Samsung announces the cheapest variant of Galaxy On Nxt, that was announced in 2016 having 3 GB RAM and 32 GB internal storage. The current variant is priced at Rs. 10,990 and comes with same 3 GB RAM and reduced 16 GB of internal storage. The device can be purchased with an additional Rs. 1,000 discount until January 5 during the 2018 Mobiles Bonanza Sale.
The Galaxy On Nxt features with 5.5-inch full-HD display protected by 2.5D Gorilla Glass. It is powered by Exynos octa-core 7870 SoC clocked at 1.6GHz paired with Mali T830 MP1 GPU. Regarding the cameras, it has a 13-megapixel rear camera and an 8-megapixel front camera. It is backed by a 3,300 mAh non-removable battery. Other connectivity options include LTE with VoLTE, GPS, Bluetooth 4.1, Wi-Fi 802.11n, Wi-Fi Direct.
A fingerprint sensor is embedded on the front to unlock the device safely. It has 3 GB RAM and 16 GB internal storage with hybrid micro SD slot to extend the storage further. As far as availability is concerned, it is a Flipkart exclusive device and will start selling from January 3.
Source: Flipkart | Via: GlobeMobiles