Samsung India has launched its new Galaxy J5 Prime smartphone in the country. The new device is available priced at Rs. 14,790 bundled with Vodafone data offer wherein you pay for 1GB of data and get 9GB of data free over three months. It will be available by the end of September.
The Samsung Galaxy J5 Prime sports a 5-inch display with HD 720*1280p resolution and 2.5D curved glass design. It is powered by a 1.4GHz Exynos quad-core processor, which is supported by 2GB of RAM and 16GB internal storage, expandable up to 256 GB via micro SD slot. It runs Android 6.0 Marshmallow operating system out-of-the-box.
The device features a 13-megapixel rear camera with a f/1.9 aperture and LED flash along with a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with a f/2.2 aperture on-board. Camera features include Wide Selfie, Palm Selfie, and Beauty Face Feature. The dual-SIM smartphone comes with Nano-SIM card support. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, FM, and 4G with VoLTE support. It measures 142.8 x 69.5 x 8.1 mm and weighs 143 grams.
There is a 2400 mAh battery under the hood. Samsung added a unique feature called S power. According to the company, The S Power Planning is a reserve battery technology for when the battery is running low.