LG recently launched the V30+ smartphone in India priced at Rs. 44,990. Now, the device is available for purchase in Aurora Black and Cloud silver color options exclusive on Amazon.in. To recall, the V30 smartphone was announced back in August at IFA 2017 and, V30 Plus is a higher variant of the original device with 128 GB of internal storage.
The device features 6.0-inches 1440 x 2560p OLED display with Corning Gorilla Glass protection. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor coupled with 4 GB of RAM. The key highlight of this device is its dual rear cameras. The V30+ plus comes with primary 16 MP RGB sensor, f/1.6 aperture and secondary is a 13MP 120-degree wide-angle lens sensor for wider snaps. On the front, it has a 5 MP shooter for selfies.
The headset carries enhanced durability with MIL-STD-810G certification and IP68 rated body to protect from water and dust. It runs on It runs on Android 7.1, (Nougat) with LG UX 6.0+ and, brings fingerprint sensor and facial recognition to unlock the device. It has 3,300 mAh battery having obvious quick charging support.
LG V30+ Specifications
Display | 6.0-inch (2880 x 1440 pixels) QHD+ P-OLED |
Protection | - Corning Gorilla glass 5 - IP68 - water & dust resistance - MIL-STD-810G |
Processor | Snapdragon 835 |
GPU | Adreno 540 |
Rear Camera | Dual 16MP, f/1.6 + 13MP, f/1.9 (wide-angle), LED flash, 2160p 4K Rec. |
Front Camera | 5MP, f/2.2 aperture |
Memory | 4GB RAM with 128GB storage |
MicroSD slot | Yes, up to 256 GB |
Connectivity | 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS, NFC |
Operating System | Android 7.1.1 (Nougat) |
Battery | 3300mAh battery with Fast Charging |
Dimensions | 151.7 x 75.4 x 7.3 mm |
Weight | 158 grams |
Price | Rs. 44,999 |
Considering the specs, the device is offering what one would expect from a true flagship. Apart from that, the company is providing free 1-time screen replacement within 6 months of purchase and a free wireless charger.
Source: Amazon India