Known as Chinese Apple, the Xiaomi has sold over 1 million Redmi 4 devices in India, company stated via twitter post. You would be amused to get a value for money smartphone if you are being part of it. Though, it was expected but it took only 30 days to achieve this mile stone for company, which is even less the Xiaomi’s another grand successor, the Redmi Note 4.
We've sold more than 1mn #Redmi4 in just 30 days! Thank you Mi Fans for your love & support & making this happen! RT if you own a Redmi 4! ❤
— Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) June 27, 2017
If you are looking for a good smartphone at low price, Redmi 4 would be valued choice. This year is really happening game changing for Xiaomi, at least in Indian market. If you interested in buying, The handset is being sold via and