LG has launched a new smartphone in India dubbed as K7i. The key highlight of this smartphone is that it comes with Mosquito Away Technology that will keep mosquitoes away by creating Ultrasonic noise inaudible, as its name symbolizes. The regular cover will also be provided, in case you are not interested with Mosquito Away case.
Furthermore, The device features 5.0-inch 480 x 854p IPS display coupled with 1.1 GHz quad-core processor. It has built-in 16GB storage and 2GB of RAM. Under the hood, a 2,500 mAh battery backs the device to keep the lights on. It runs on outdated Android 6.0, Marshmallow out of the box. Concerning optics, the handset brings 8MP rear and 5MP front-facing camera.
The dual SIM device embedded with the fingerprint scanner on the back. Other connectivity options include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.1, GPS. It measures 145.7 x 74.1 x 8.1 mm, while, the weight is unspecified.
Pricing and Availability
The LG K7i is priced at 7,990 in India and comes in only brown color option. The device will be available via offline stores across the country. All in all, specs are pretty average, and it will be interesting to see how the Mosquito Away Technology performs.
Via: Fonearena