Just a few hours ago, Xiaomi had launched Mi Mix smartphone at an event in China. The device brings some decent specs in the budget segment. Now, the Xiaomi India’s VP, Manu Kumar Jain confirms that the device is heading to India very soon. This should be a great news for those who are just waiting for taking hands on a bezel-less smartphone. If I am not wrong, It would be the first smartphone in India that bears tri bezel-less display.
Breaking news Mi Fans: Mi MIX 2 will be launching in India soon 🤘🤘🤘 RT if you are excited about this amazing news 😎 @XiaomiIndia pic.twitter.com/vLTpMHwFNC
— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) September 11, 2017
Furthermore, Mi Mix 2 equipped with 5.99″ Full HD+ IPS LCD display, has Snapdragon 835 processor coupled with Adreno 540 GPU. It borrowed a dual rear camera from Mi 6 with the combination of RGB + Telephoto lens. The front side is surrounded by a 5MP selfie snapper. The storage options include, 6GB RAM + 64/128/256GB storage or 8GB RAM + 128GB built-in storage with 3,400 mAh battery under the hood.
Also Read: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 announces with 18:9 ratio 5.99″ display, Snapdragon 835
As far as pricing is concerned, The basic model with 6GB RAM + 64GB storage is priced at RMB 3,299 (approximately Rs 32,400), the 6GB RAM +128GB storage variant is priced at RMB 3,599 (approximately Rs 35,300), while the top-end 256GB variant is priced at RMB 3,999 (approximately Rs 39,300). Moreover, Limited Edition variant with 8GB RAM + 128GB storage costs 4,699 which could be translated into approx. Rs 46,100.
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Considering the company’s past track record, the device usually hit the shelves in India about two months later after its China release, but this time company is pointing out it as coming soon; So, we can assume this device to be hit the Indian market in next one month.
Source: Twitter
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