Sony Xperia XZ and Xperia X Performance started getting Android 7.1.1 update


Sony Xperia Xz and Xperia X Performance started getting a new update. It bring Android OS version 7.1.1 and comes with build number 41.2.A.2.199. The update includes a number of native Android 7.1 features including app shortcuts and packs latest security patch of April month.

Usually, OTA update takes some to to push targeted devices. If you still did’nt get push notification, you can check it manually by visiting Setting Menu > About > Software Updates.

Download Android 7.1.1 firmware for Xperia XZ and X Performance

Xperia X Performance (F8131) 41.2.A.2.199 Switzerland Generic
Xperia X Performance Dual (F8132) 41.2.A.2.199 Russia Generic

Xperia XZ (F8331) 41.2.A.2.199 Central Europe 1 Generic
Xperia XZ Dual (F8332) 41.2.A.2.199 India Generic

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