Vivo launched IPL Edition of Vivo V5 Plus smartphone as expected. It has everything same as seen on original one so don’t expect anything special. The company is just trying to capture the cricketing market by just providing different color and IPL logo. Anyway, moving to specs, It has same 5.5 inches 1080p display, Snapdragon 625 processor paired with Adreno 506 GPU underneath.
Most highlighted part of the company is its selfie camera. It has dual selfie cameras, 1st one with 20-megapixel front-facing camera with Sony IMX376 1/2.78″ sensor, f/2.0 aperture and an 8-megapixel secondary front camera for capturing depth information. There is a 16MP rear camera with LED Flash, f/2.0 aperture, PDAF.
The handset includes a fingerprint sensor embedded on front. Other connectivity features include 4G LTE, WiFi 802.11 ac (2.4 GHz + 5 GHz), Bluetooth 4.2 and GPS. It packs a 3160 mAh battery under the hood. For storage, it has 64GB internal storage coupled with 4GB RAM. It runs on Android 6.0 based on Funtouch OS.
Pricing and Availability
The Vivo V5 Plus IPL Limited Edition is priced at Rs. 25,990, comparatively cheaper than Vivo V5 Plus which was launched at 27,980.It comes in Matte Black color integrated IPL logo on the rear and is available exclusively on Flipkart.