Oppo had recently launched RealMe 2 smartphone in India as expected to upgrade the RealMe series. Now to the company seems to launch its re-branded version Oppo A7 in China. A recent leak published by Slashleak confirms its specifications and gold color variant.
As per the leaked specs, the device will have a 6.2-inch 720 x 1520 pixels HD+ display on the front. It will be housing Octa-Core Snapdragon 450 chipset under the hood. The rear-mounted camera is handled by the dual 13MP+2MP sensor, while, a single 16MP shooter is present on the front for selfies. It packs a 4,250 mAh non-removable battery and runs on Android 8.1, Oreo out of the box. The device dimensions are 155.9×75.4×8.1mm and weighs 158 grams.
If the current leak is believed, the device will be launched on November 13 in China starting from price tag 1,599 Chinese Yuan. Design-wise, it resembles the original RealMe 2 smartphone. All in all, it is a re-branded version of RealMe 2 for Chinese consumers. If you really wanna pick one up? Do let’s know in below comment section!